album cover of rock2 by Dean Ween Group

rock2by Dean Ween Group

released 3/16/2018 on Schnitzel

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TrackSong TitleFirst PlayedLast PlayedTotal
1Show Stopperfirst played: 02-01-2017last played : 02-04-2017total: 4 times
2Fingerbangin'first played: 07-17-2014last played : 07-04-2019total: 49 times
3Don't Let the Moon Catch You Cryingfirst played: 03-21-2018last played : 09-18-2018total: 3 times
4Waste Station 9first played: 03-21-2018last played : 07-04-2019total: 29 times
5Love Theme From Skinheads Kicking Your Assfirst played: 11-26-2015last played : 07-04-2019total: 27 times
6Someone Greased the Fatmantotal: 0 times
7The Ritz Carltonfirst played: 09-24-2016last played : 07-04-2019total: 48 times
8This Heart of Palmfirst played: 03-22-2018last played : 09-22-2018total: 18 times
9Yellow Pontiactotal: 0 times
10Pussy on My Pillowfirst played: 03-22-2014last played : 09-20-2018total: 7 times
11Sunset Over Belmarfirst played: 09-24-2016last played : 07-04-2019total: 41 times
Total songs played live from this album: 226
Average live plays per album track: 20.5
Average songs played per live show: 0.2